Friday, August 15, 2014

Monte Alban'

We acted as tourist today and visited Monte Alban.  It is an ancient Zapotec ruin and touted to be the oldest ruin in the Americas.  We had lunch with a gal from Mexico and a fellow from France.  Between the three fractured languages we managed to communicate for an hour and have a great time.  The gal was very funny and taught us some expressions.  She said that whenever the Mexicans have a problem, the solution is always, toma un mescal, which means, drink a mescal tequilla.  She also taught us, el mal del puerco, which means that you feel like sleeping after you eat, then when you wake up you are hungry again.
For some reason, none of the pictures of Monte Alban' came out so you will have to look it up.
We paid for an all day tour, but the best way to see Monte' Alban is to arrive by local bus and hire a tour guide when you arrive. This gives you ample time to peruse the site and costs a lot less!

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